Add a Time Zone to Windows
Here at Tesco, we operate it many different countries, and often need to communicate with colleagues from around the world. For anyone doing something similar to this, it’s always helpful to know the time zones in both areas. There are a few approaches we can take with this.
Method 1
Right Click the time on your Taskbar and Select ‘Change Date/Time’. You should get a window open like this…
Select the ‘Additional Clocks’ tab.
Tick the ‘Show this Clock’ on the first section, pick your timzone, and give the clock a name. For me, as I’m currently based in India, I’ve selected GMT, and named in ‘UK’. You can add one further timezone should you wish.
Click ‘OK’. That’s it. Now, if you hover over the time, you’ll see both timezones.
Or, if you left click on the time, you’ll see a bigger version.
Method 2
If you prefer to have quicker visibility of any given timezone, there is another way we can do this, using Windows’ ‘Gadgets’ feature.
Right Click on your empty desktop, and select ‘Gadgets’
You will be presented with a choice of Gadgets – Double Click ‘Clock’
This will add a new clock to your desktop. Hover over the clock, and a small spanner should show up – click this.
From this screen, change the clock face if you wish, give the clock a name, and select the correct timezone. Click OK when done.
You can then repeat the steps to add any additional time zones you want to see.
These will then always be on your desktop. If you want the clock to remain ‘on top’ of other windows at all times, you can do this as well. Rick-Click each clock, and tick ‘Always on Top’. If you do this, you may also want to increase to Opacity (again, right click the clockOpacity) to stop them getting in the way too much. You can also move them using the ‘Grab Widget’ option when you hover over them.
End result:
Hopefully a couple of useful suggestions for you to try out!
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