You’ve created that fantastic Data Model in PowerBI desktop, uploaded it to PowerBI Web for your team to admire. You’ve built some snazzy visualisations which everyone is now happy with. Fantastic. Job Done. Home early tonight. If only, right? Chances are, you spotted a problem / limitation with your original model – or thought ofRead More
As mentioned in my previous post, I’m playing around with the Windows 8.1 Preview. One of the other minor, yet significant, changes made, is the ability to boot directly to the desktop, rather than to the Start Screen we previously had to go through. The location of this option isn’t obvious though, but easy enoughRead More
Another simple one today In Windows XP (whilst that may sound like ‘a long time ago’, there are still a lot of corporations using, or not long moved away from, XP), you will have likely had a little icon in your Quick Launch which, when clicked, would minimize all your applications to show you yourRead More