Anyone who routinely uses a laptop knows that the batteries in them don’t last forever. This is an inherent part of the Lithium-ion batteries used in much of today’s tech. It can therefore be helpful to get a better understanding of the current health of the battery – especially if you’re selling, or have justRead More
Microsoft have this month released an update which addresses a small, yet incredibly annoying ‘feature’ when working with csv files in Excel. Read on to learn more.Read More
Anyone who’s used Excel in earnest for any length of time – ie 2003 and earlier – probably remembers having to create a VBA add-in to tackle the removal of duplicate values – or sometimes a COUNTIF() function would suffice for smaller jobs.
I always used the superb ‘The Duplicate Master’ add-in
(Which can still be found here – though the availability of the link seems to come & go)
Whilst such add-ins still have a place, offering rich features, for basic day-to-day removal of duplicates, Excel now includes this functionality built-in – and has done since Office 2007.
It’s this built-in functionality that we’ll cover in this post.Read More
If you want to see your mailbox utilization, FileàInfo will show you the size of your mailbox, and your usage When your mailbox starts to get full, you may see a notification at the bottom of your screen on the status bar showing how full you are (a daily occurrence for many, I’m sure!) However,Read More
Another simple one today In Windows XP (whilst that may sound like ‘a long time ago’, there are still a lot of corporations using, or not long moved away from, XP), you will have likely had a little icon in your Quick Launch which, when clicked, would minimize all your applications to show you yourRead More